Being a robust organisation is not about focusing on one or two things. It's about creating the ecosystem that allows for robustness and resiliency. This can only be accomplished before you really need it in the face of a crisis. In other words, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is now.
Our focus areas are designed around this ecosystem, and in the coming posts, we'll be going into detail about these top tips in each of the focus areas. Hopefully you can use these to start getting your business ready and on the road to robustness before you really need it.
The creation and protection of value is fundamental to any healthy business. Modern approaches have shifted the delivery paradigm to a product, value based focus rather than the traditional project focus. With this shift the way a portfolio of work is created and managed has also changed. Our top tips for an optimised portfolio are:
Productivity is concentrated on the value creation process with a focus on individual and team execution and delivery. The system of work that an organisation uses is paramount in supporting a productive workplace. Top tips for a productive workplace:
Shifting the leadership of an organisation from traditional, command and control approaches to modern, adaptive leadership is no small task. That said, it is essential to creating a robust organisation. Top tips for your leadership team:
Disruption is the new normal, and no part of your organisation is immune. Inside every disruption event, however, is an opportunity for innovation. Business resilience is being open to disruption and change with the capability to capture opportunities as they emerge.
It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when a crisis will happen in your organisation. Developing and using your pessimism can create competitive advantage.
In the coming weeks, we'll go into detail around these tips. Is there something else you'd like to see? Reckon we missed something? Keen to know now and not wait for the blog posts? Get in touch with us and let's discuss how we can help you be ready.