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Put all your eggs in baskets! Batching it Up for Maximum Impact

Easter Efficiently: Mastering Batching Before the Long Weekend!

As Easter approaches, it’s the perfect time to introduce a productivity booster to help you manage your professional and personal tasks more effectively: Batching. This technique involves grouping similar tasks to tackle them in one go, reducing the time spent on starting, stopping, and switching between tasks. Putting things into the same basket.

It’s like preparing your Easter feast in stages - shopping, chopping, and then cooking in batches - to savour the long weekend without the last-minute frenzy.

Why Batch?

Batching minimises distractions, streamlines processes, and enhances focus, leading to more efficient workdays. Imagine getting all your shopping done at once or doing all your cooking in a single afternoon. Apply this method to your work tasks, and you’ll have extra time to enjoy the long weekend.

Batching at Work:

Could you start by identifying tasks you can batch? For instance, could you allocate specific blocks of time for responding to emails, schedule all meetings during certain hours, or group project-related tasks together? This method clears up your schedule and sharpens your concentration, making you more productive as the break draws near.


This approach can transform overwhelming pre-long-weekend to-do lists into manageable, enjoyable activities.

3 Tips for Effective Batching:

  1. define clear objectives for each batch session
  2. allocate time boxes and use timers to maintain focus
  3. resist the urge to multitask

This will ensure you make the most of your batching periods.

As we head towards Easter, try batching. Run the experiment today. It’s a simple yet powerful way to streamline your tasks, giving you more time to focus on the break. 

For more information on Batching or details of our other Productivity Hacks checkout our Productivity Guides:

Have a wonderful and safe Easter!